01 Temmuz 2020, Salı
saat: 02:31

Experiencing an incredible wave of imposter syndrome and just, like, general profession-related self-doubt today! This is not even counting the writing funk and the overwhelming guilt and stress that's causing. I tried to do all the right things - eat healthy, do my cardio, edit, read, study some French, take a bath, mentally reframe these feelings as something positive, or useful, rather than something to be overwhelmed by. Nothing really cut the mood from me though.
Whenever I set out with certain intentions but my mind or body doesn’t cooperate, I get even more frustrated. And sometimes I envy my "cool" colleagues and resent how I've rarely been seen as such no matter which act I've put on. What an unfulfilling ideal though as I've never been moved by being seen as unlike myself.

I think I’m going to put in some headphones so I no longer hear anything. It feels like one of those days to shut out the world.
I could fill so many rooms with my own contentment.
